Sunday, March 14, 2010

Beach Trip with Horses!

(Me on Sweet P., Jordan on Data, and Bonnie on Lady in Long Beach, WA)

This past week I went on a beach trip with people from the barn I run my riding academy out of. There were four riders, and six horses. We rented a beach house that came equipped with ocean views, a horse barn, and paddocks. I took both Sweet P. and Barry, and had a blast riding both of them (at separate times, he-he) on the beach. I swear, there's nothing better for me than cantering a horse on the beach!

The weather was a little iffy, but I went riding each day regardless. I took Barry out in a heavy rain storm, and I took Sweet P. out in a heavy wind storm the next day. She's a brave little horse, and was having as much fun as I was! I think both of them had a good time.

Can you tell how soaked we both were in this picture? I had three layers of pants on, 7 layers of shirts plus a Carharts jacket, and still was soaked to the bone. It took three days for my Wintec saddle to dry out.... Luckily it's not leather!

If you've ever wanted to know what it's like to run on the beach, here's a virtual video.....

Feel like you were there?? :)


Willis Family said...

Fun!! Addie loves watching you on the horsey!

Ellehcim said...

WOO HOO! Too bad the weather didn't clear up for you, but it sure looks like fun!

andrea said...

Looks awesome Heather. He doesn't look to excited to be that soaked, but it seems like you had a great time~