Thursday, November 29, 2007

Must Concentrate...

Must..... concentrate.....
Must.... not... look at... the camera...
Must ... hold ... my.. head up....
Lilah at 2 1/2 months

Christmas is just around the corner!

I got this one covered....


Monday, November 26, 2007

The Tyrrell Family, 11/07

My little sailor dress

Well, I was supposed to wear this dress to a wedding on September 9th, but seeing how I didn't come into the world until the 13th, Mommy had to wait until a wedding that we went to on November 24th to get me into this outfit. Was it worth the wait Mommy?

She says yes!


Saturday, November 24, 2007

Baby's First Shoes!

Lilah's first shoes at the age of 2 1/2 months!
(She wore pink Nikes) :)

-- Heather

Uncle Roger, if pi equals 3.14159, how can e^-1 compute the energy quotient of e=mc^2?

My First Thanksgiving

My first Thanksgiving I spent at Grandpa and Nana Heidinger's. I had my first stroller ride, slept like an angel thru Thanksgiving dinner, and then slept with Mommy afterwards. The next day we went to Hood River where I got to visit with Grandpa Tyrrell and Nanny Tanny, my aunts and uncles, and my cousins. We had fun!
love, Lilah


Lilah's Victory Stretch after a long nap!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Day 67 of life on this side of the world. My parents continue to torment me by placing videos of me on youtube, shoving me in pumpkins, and dressing me in embrassing outfits. (see above) Is it too late to be adopted? At least I'm beginning to form an alliance with the strange black hairy beast....


Monday, November 12, 2007

Can I get some r-e-s-t?. I haven't been this tired in a long, long time. It could be still trying to recover from the blood loss, or it could be from the nights of waking up at 4 am to feed the little miss. Well, at least SHE's sleeping well!

One more Halloween shot

One of my favorite things about working in the Riding School is the yearly traditions. Each year the Riding School celebrates Halloween by holding a game day on horseback followed by dressing the horses up and parading them around the arena. There are prizes awarded to the best dressed horse, apple-bobbing for horses (which is entertaining to watch but probably pretty cruel to the horse) and more candy than one child could possibly eat.

This year, two of my longtime students dressed my very best lesson horse up as an angel. Considering what Paco puts up with the rest of the year, it is a very fitting costume. Who says horses can't go to Heaven? -Heather

We are blessed!

We are so blessed to have a loving family from both sides, all close to home! Above, Nick's Aunt Judy meets L for the first time while Nanny Tanny snaps a pic and Aunt T looks on. Below, Grandpa and Nana play with L in the almighty bouncy chair.

-Nick and Heather

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Happy Halloween!!

Once again Simon dressed up as Superman. I guess he's not too creative considering he wore the same outfit last year.... Here he is getting ready to greet the trick-or-treaters on Halloween night!